Bark in Tagalog

What is the translation of word Bark in Tagalog/Filipino ?

Meaning of   Bark in Tagalog is : tumahol


Defenition of word Bark

  • the sharp explosive cry of certain animals, especially a dog, fox, or seal.
  • the tough, protective outer sheath of the trunk, branches, and twigs of a tree or woody shrub.
  • a sailing ship, typically with three masts, in which the foremast and mainmast are square-rigged and the mizzenmast is rigged fore-and-aft.
  • (of a dog or other animal) emit a bark.


Other meanings of Bark


As I tucked into this steaming Bunter-sized platter out on the darkening waters, I swear I heard the seals give a loud bark of disapproval.