Fallow in Tagalog

What is the translation of word Fallow in Tagalog/Filipino ?

Meaning of   Fallow in Tagalog is : hindi matamnan na lupa


Defenition of word Fallow

  • (of farmland) plowed and harrowed but left unsown for a period in order to restore its fertility as part of a crop rotation or to avoid surplus production.
  • (of a sow) not pregnant.
  • a piece of fallow or uncultivated land.
  • a pale brown or reddish yellow color.


Other meanings of Fallow

  • NOUN

    hindi matamnan na lupa fallow fallow land
  • VERB

    huwag pagbungahin fallow

    nguni''t hindi tinatamnan fallow


incentives for farmers to let the land lie fallow in order to reduce grain surpluses